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Unity Catalog DuckDB Integration

Operate on Delta tables with DuckDB

To try operating on Delta tables with DuckDB, you will have to install it (at least version 1.0).

Let's start DuckDB and install a couple of extensions. To start DuckDB, run the command duckdb in the terminal.

Then, in the DuckDB shell, run the following commands:

install uc_catalog from core_nightly;
load uc_catalog;
install delta;
load delta;

If you have installed these extensions before, you may have to run update extensions and restart DuckDB for the following steps to work.

Now that we have DuckDB all set up, let's try connecting to UC by specifying a secret.

      TYPE UC,
      TOKEN 'not-used',
      ENDPOINT '',
      AWS_REGION 'us-east-2'

You should see it print a short table saying Success = true. Next we can attach the unity catalog to DuckDB.

ATTACH 'unity' AS unity (TYPE UC_CATALOG);

Now we are ready to query. Try the following

SELECT * from unity.default.numbers;

You should see the tables listed and the contents of the numbers table printed. To quit DuckDB, run the command Ctrl+D or type .exit in the DuckDB shell.