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Unity Catalog PuppyGraph Integration

This document walks through how to use PuppyGraph to query data from Delta tables registered in Unity Catalog as a graph.


  • JDK 17 to build and run Unity Catalog and Spark
  • Docker
  • This repository unitycatalog cloned
  • Spark downloaded

Build the Unity Server and Spark support

Run the command From the cloned repository root directory

build/sbt clean package publishLocal spark/publishLocal

Run the Unity Catalog Server

Run the command to start a Unity Server.


For the remaining steps, continue in a different terminal.

Create Tables under the Unity Catalog

Create a catalog puppygraph and several Delta tables under the schema modern in that catalog.

./bin/uc catalog create --name puppygraph
./bin/uc schema create --name modern --catalog puppygraph
./bin/uc table create --full_name puppygraph.modern.person --columns "id STRING, name STRING, age INT" --storage_location /tmp/puppygraph/person/ --format DELTA
./bin/uc table create --full_name puppygraph.modern.knows --columns "id STRING, from_id STRING, to_id STRING, weight DOUBLE" --storage_location /tmp/puppygraph/knowns/ --format DELTA
./bin/uc table create --full_name --columns "id STRING, name STRING, lang STRING" --storage_location /tmp/puppygraph/software/ --format DELTA
./bin/uc table create --full_name puppygraph.modern.created --columns "id STRING, from_id STRING, to_id STRING, weight DOUBLE" --storage_location /tmp/puppygraph/created/ --format DELTA

Load Data into the Tables

Run the command from the Spark folder to start a Spark SQL shell .

./bin/spark-sql \
  --packages \,io.unitycatalog:unitycatalog-spark:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT \
  --conf \
  --conf \
  --conf spark.sql.catalog.puppygraph=io.unitycatalog.connectors.spark.UCSingleCatalog \
  --conf spark.sql.catalog.puppygraph.uri=http://localhost:8080

Run the following SQL to insert data into the Delta tables.

insert into puppygraph.modern.person VALUES
                                         ('v1', 'marko', 29),
                                         ('v2', 'vadas', 27),
                                         ('v4', 'josh', 32),
                                         ('v6', 'peter', 35);
                                           ('v3', 'lop', 'java'),
                                           ('v5', 'ripple', 'java');
INSERT INTO puppygraph.modern.created VALUES
                                          ('e9', 'v1', 'v3', 0.4),
                                          ('e10', 'v4', 'v5', 1.0),
                                          ('e11', 'v4', 'v3', 0.4),
                                          ('e12', 'v6', 'v3', 0.2);
INSERT INTO puppygraph.modern.knows VALUES
                                        ('e7', 'v1', 'v2', 0.5),
                                        ('e8', 'v1', 'v4', 1.0);

Exit the Spark SQL shell after data insertion is done.

Querying the Tables as a Graph

Start PuppyGraph using Docker. Here we map the PuppyGraph port 8081 to 9081 on the host.

docker run -p 9081:8081 -p 8182:8182 -p 7687:7687 \
-v /tmp/puppygraph:/tmp/puppygraph \
--name puppy --rm -itd puppygraph/puppygraph:stable

Create the schema.json and replace <host-name> with your host ip address.

    "catalogs": [
            "name": "puppygraph", 
            "type": "deltalake", 
            "metastore": {
                "type": "unity", 
                "host": "http://<host-name>:8081", 
                "token": "no-use", 
                "databricksCatalogName": "puppygraph"
    "vertices": [
            "label": "person", 
            "attributes": [
                { "type": "String", "name": "name" }, 
                { "type": "Int"   , "name": "age"  }
            "mappedTableSource": {
                "catalog": "puppygraph", 
                "schema": "modern", 
                "table": "person", 
                "metaFields": {"id": "id"}
            "label": "software", 
            "attributes": [
                { "type": "String", "name": "name" }, 
                { "type": "String", "name": "lang" }
            "mappedTableSource": {
                "catalog": "puppygraph", 
                "schema": "modern", 
                "table": "software", 
                "metaFields": {"id": "id"}
    "edges": [
            "label": "knows",
            "from": "person", 
            "to": "person", 
            "attributes": [ {"type": "Double", "name": "weight"} ], 
            "mappedTableSource": {
                "catalog": "puppygraph", 
                "schema": "modern", 
                "table": "knows",
                "metaFields": {"from": "from_id", "id": "id", "to": "to_id"}
            "label": "created", 
            "from": "person", 
            "to": "software", 
            "attributes": [ {"type": "Double", "name": "weight"} ], 
            "mappedTableSource": {
                "catalog": "puppygraph", 
                "schema": "modern", 
                "table": "created", 
                "metaFields": {"from": "from_id", "id": "id", "to": "to_id"}

Upload the schema to PuppyGraph. Note here port is 9081 as 8081 is used by Unity Catalog.

curl -XPOST -H "content-type: application/json" --data-binary @./schema.json --user "puppygraph:puppygraph123" localhost:9081/schema

Start a PuppyGraph Gremlin Console to query the graph.

docker exec -it puppygraph ./bin/console

Input the following query string to get all the software created by people that marko knows.

g.V().has("name", "marko").out("knows").out("created").valueMap()

The output should be like this:

puppy-gremlin> g.V().has("name", "marko").out("knows").out("created").valueMap()
Done! Elapsed time: 0.080s, rows: 2
==>map[lang:java name:lop]
==>map[lang:java name:ripple]

You can also use Web UI for more features like graph visualization and a notebook-style query interface.

See Also