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Unity Catalog UI

The Unity Catalog UI allows you to interact with a Unity Catalog server to view or create data and AI assets.


Start Unity Catalog UI locally

To use the Unity Catalog UI, start a new terminal and ensure you have already started the UC server (e.g., ./bin/start-uc-server)


The Unity Catalog UI requires both Node and Yarn.

To start the UI locally, run the following commands to start yarn

cd /ui
yarn install
yarn start



The following steps show how you can create, describe, and delete UC catalogs.

After clicking the top Catalog button, you will see your list of catalogs. To create a catalog, click the Create Catalog button to the right.

Unity Catalog Creation

Specify the name and include any comments when creating your catalog.

Unity Catalog Catalog Name Writing

Click the horizontal three dots next to Create Schema button to delete your catalog.

Deleting the Catalog


The following steps show how you can create, describe, and delete UC schemas.

After clicking on any catalog, the main dialog contains the list of available schemas. Click the Create Schemas button to the right to create a new schema.

Unity catalog Schema Creation

Specify the name and include any comments when creating your schema.

Naming the Schema

Click the horizontal three dots to the right to delete your schema.

Deleting the Schema


The following steps show how you can view your UC table metadata and descriptions.

Click on the schema (e.g., unity.demo) to view its tables.

Showing Tables in Schema

Click on the schema (e.g., unity.default) to view its tables.

Showing Tables

Click on any table (e.g., unity.default.marksheet) to view its metadata. You also have the option to delete the table via the three horizontal dots on the right.

Showing Tables dataTypes


The following steps show how you can view your UC volume metadata and descriptions.

Using the left-hand nav bar, click on catalog > schema (e.g., unity > default) to view the available volumes.

Checking Volume

Click on the volume (e.g., unity.default.txt_files) to view its metadata. You have the option to delete it by click on the three horizontal dots to the right.

View Volume Metadata

Click the edit button to change its descripton.

Editing the Volume Description


The following steps show how you can view your UC functions metadata and descriptions.

Using the left-hand nav bar, click on catalog > schema (e.g., unity > default) to view the available functions.

Showing Functions in Unity Catalog

Click on the volume (e.g., unity.default.lowercase) to view its metadata. You have the option to delete it by click on the three horizontal dots to the right.

View Functions Metadata


The following steps show how you can list, describe and delete your UC models.

After clicking on any schema > models, the main dialog contains the list of available models. Click the horizontal three dots button to the right to create a new model.

Listing Models

Click the edit button to change its descripton.

Creation of Model

Specify the name and include any comments when creating your model.

Naming the Model and Its Comments

Click the edit button to change its descripton.

Editing the Model Description

Click the horizontal three dots to the right to delete your model.

Deleting the Unity Catalog Model

Model Versions

The following steps show how you can view your UC model versions and their metadata.

Using the left-hand nav bar, click on catalog > schema (e.g., unity > default) to view the available models.

Showing Models and Its creations Date

Click on the model (e.g., unity.default.iris) to view its version(s).

Showing Model Version

Click on the model version to view its details.

Show model Version Metadata

Click the edit button to change its descripton.

Editing Version Description

Click the horizontal three dots to the right to delete your model version.

Deleting the Model Version


The Unity Catalog UI provides a comprehensive interface for managing data and AI assets. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively create, describe, and delete catalogs, schemas, tables, volumes, functions, models, and model versions. Ensure that you have the necessary prerequisites installed and follow the provided commands to start the UI locally. This documentation aims to help you navigate and utilize the Unity Catalog UI efficiently.